Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"True love is not finding someone else but finding your other half"

This quote is complete bull shit. Calm down. Before you start thinking i'm all anti-love, let me explain my theory. From the time we start to show interest in the opposite sex, one of the things that is drilled into our heads is that "true love is finding your other half". From that point on, most of us are conditioned to think that love and happiness are found in someone else. We tend to overlook how important it is too find this happiness within ourselves and within our own interests and hobbies. After a while, it is not uncommon for us to start to lose a part of us. We begin to love another person more than we love ourselves and start putting up with things that we most definitely should not. That, my friends, is the start of a crappy relationship.

I can't stress enough how important it is to truly love you before you go and try to hand that love out all over town. Yea I know "loving you" sounds like something your mother would say but I am not your mom. It is the truth. You need to really spend time getting to know yourself. What are you interested in? What do you like? What do you dislike? Insecurities? What do you really want from another person? Really accepting you for you is crucial for any relationship whether it be romantic or strictly platonic. The best way to forge a successful relationship is to become the best version of yourself as possible so you can demand that of others that are biding for your time and attention. That will just confirm that you deserve the very best and that settling is out of the question. Have you ever heard the saying you attract what you put out? If you're strong and independent and know what you want out of life, chances are those will be the types of people that you attract. If you're a fragile mess looking for validation in everyone you meet, your going to attract something similar or worse someone who picks up on that and uses that to their advantage. Not a picture perfect story is it?

So c'mon people. Your other half? Get real. Let's be objective about this for a second. Why would you want half of anything if you could have the whole thing? Its freezing cold outside, do you want half of a coat? Or how about when its pouring down raining. You would'nt want half of an umbrella....So why in the world would you want half of a person? Wouldn't you rather have one whole person instead? Last time I checked, 1/2 + 1/2= 1 and 1+1=2 right?  I don't know about you but I would take 2 over 1 any day. So forget about the search for Mr. Right. Go search for you. The second you start feeling complete by yourself, the man of your dreams will fall right into your lap.

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